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Community Gallery

The Community Gallery gives you the chance to immortalize your MK23 by uploading an image to this site for the entire community of MK23 owners to see. Your image could inspire another to build their own version of your masterpiece, improve on their existing build or even bring in a new member in to the community all together from what they have seen here!


Take a look through the existing submissions and then, when you're ready go ahead and submit your own images to the gallery! There's no rating system and no way to be criticized! 

N. Boshier

N. Boshier

Boshman Custom MK23 Carbine with Aluminium receiver. SSG suppressor & Vortex Strike Eagle 1-6x24 optic. ML crazyjet 260mm, ML autobot 60deg. Hadron TDC & H-ARM Pistol with Nineball GUNGNIR slide, TM Micro pro sight, SSX23 suppressor.

Simon H.

Simon H.

Simon from Huddersfield. I call this the TM MK23 NES SOCOM

Stephen K.

Stephen K.

Stock MK23 with LAM unit modified with focus adjustable lens.

J. Branston

J. Branston

Have owned a stock Mk23 for about 13 years - I'm now looking forward to getting the most out of it with the DTD holster, upgraded with TDC, Maple Leaf Barrel, teflon seal and a DIY ATAC paint job. Plan to upgrade the suppressor with Scotchbrite discs and a 'Sphincter' mod.

R. Björnson

R. Björnson

TDC, Maple Leaf Autobot 50°, Strontium Aluminat Sights, Novritsch Modular Silencer. (Maple Leaf Barrel was not available til now)

Arnold B. R. Cruz

Arnold B. R. Cruz

HPA, tight bore barrel by edgi, shorter suppressor, red dot sight, DTD holster.

Max T.

Max T.

My TM Mk23 mods: DIY 20mm acrylic peep rails for 2x20 scope. Maple leaf Crazy Jet 150mm with Autobot 50 bucking. Hadron Designs TDC Mk2 with H key. White spots on front & rear sights, TM mag sealed, silencer fartflapped, and a DIY Krylon camo job using leaves as stencils.

Max T.

Max T.

My TM Mk23 mods: DIY 20mm acrylic peep rails for 2x20 scope. Maple leaf Crazy Jet 150mm with Autobot 50 bucking. Hadron Designs TDC Mk2 with H key. White spots on front & rear sights, TM mag sealed, silencer fartflapped, and a DIY Krylon camo job using leaves as stencils.

G. Hodgkins

G. Hodgkins

My beloved Mk23 with all the regular upgrades including the LAM. Now in a soft cuddly wrap!

Max T.

Max T.

My TM Mk23 mods: DIY 20mm acrylic peep rails for laser or 2x20 scope. Maple leaf Crazy Jet 150mm barrel with Autobot 50 bucking. Hadron Designs TDC Mk2 with H key. White spots on front & rear sights, TM mag sealed, silencer fartflapped, and a DIY Krylon camo job using real leaves as stencils.

Max T.

Max T.

My TM Mk23 mods: DIY 20mm acrylic peep rails for laser or 2x20 scope. Maple leaf Crazy Jet 150mm barrel with Autobot 50 bucking. Hadron Designs TDC Mk2 with H key. White spots on front & rear sights, TM mag sealed, silencer fartflapped, and a DIY Krylon camo job using real leaves as stencils.

Max T.

Max T.

My TM Mk23 mods: DIY 20mm acrylic peep rails for laser or 2x20 scope. Maple leaf Crazy Jet 150mm barrel with Autobot 50 bucking. Hadron Designs TDC Mk2 with H key. White spots on front & rear sights, TM mag sealed, silencer fartflapped, and a DIY Krylon camo job using real leaves as stencils.

Eddie C

Eddie C

Mk23 carbine with tiger stripe camo.

G. Hodgskins

G. Hodgskins

ML Crazy Jet 138mm Inner. Autobot 50 deg Hop rubber. Teflon tape wrap mod. John Moss LAM Convex Lens and CREE bulb upgrade. Hadron Designs FANG Plate. 3D Evolution Hammer Shield. MK23 Lower Rail Adaptor. Custom Paint. Fore and rear sight removed. More to follow such as HardSkin Wrap to include turgidity skirt upgrade, suppression change and 3D camo holster. Pictures from Black Knight

G. Hodgskins

G. Hodgskins

ML Crazy Jet 138mm Inner. Autobot 50 deg Hop rubber. Teflon tape wrap mod. John Moss LAM Convex Lens and CREE bulb upgrade. Hadron Designs FANG Plate. 3D Evolution Hammer Shield. MK23 Lower Rail Adaptor. Custom Paint. Fore and rear sight removed. More to follow such as HardSkin Wrap to include turgidity skirt upgrade, suppression change and 3D camo holster. Pictures from Black Knight

I. Chaplin

I. Chaplin

150mm Maple Leaf Crazy Jet, Maple leaf bucking and HAD TDC, H Plate and FA Carbine Kit!

I. Chaplin

I. Chaplin

150mm Maple Leaf Crazy Jet, Maple leaf bucking and HAD TDC! Just waiting on a H-Plate and a carbine kit from Foundry Airsoft!

Przemyslaw Tabor

Przemyslaw Tabor

TM MK23+Hadron FANG/TDC+Decepticon50+ML CrazyJet+Foundry Airsoft Rifle Kit

Stephane Mignon

Stephane Mignon

Homemade Carbine Kit

Ondre Airsoft

Ondre Airsoft

Hi my friends, heres my setup for my zoom camera Foxeer Legend 2. Rail DTD + longer 21mm rail , Foxeer + mounts , powerbank + powerbank rails from Check my instagram @ondreairsoft

Ondre Airsoft

Ondre Airsoft

Hi my friends, heres my setup for my zoom camera Foxeer Legend 2. Rail DTD + longer 21mm rail , Foxeer + mounts , powerbank + powerbank rails from Check my instagram @ondreairsoft

Kevin De Pauw

Kevin De Pauw

Stti Mk23 in a Foundry Airsoft carbine, Hadron TDC v2, H-plate, ML bucking, 310mm CJ inner, 5 inch outer barrel extension to keep the suppressor a working element.

Kevin De Pauw

Kevin De Pauw

Stti Mk23 in a Foundry Airsoft carbine, Hadron TDC v2, H-plate, ML bucking, 310mm CJ inner, 5 inch outer barrel extension to keep the suppressor a working element.

Kevin De Pauw

Kevin De Pauw

Custom paint job & Camo Sleeve

Kevin De Pauw

Kevin De Pauw

Custom paint job & Camo Sleeve

Kevin De Pauw

Kevin De Pauw

Custom paint job & Camo Sleeve

Kevin De Pauw

Kevin De Pauw

Custom paint job & Camo Sleeve

Margus K.

Margus K.

Second generation carbine kit. Made from ASA.

Margus K.

Margus K.

Second generation carbine kit. Made from ASA.

Margus K.

Margus K.

Second generation carbine kit. Made from ASA.

Margus K.

Margus K.

Second generation carbine kit. Made from ASA.

Margus K.

Margus K.

My first design on carbine kit. Available on thingiverse.

Stephane Mignon

Stephane Mignon

Custom carbine kit.



Camo is JP Tape & green paint. Mods include: Naunak airsoft Magstack Hadron tdc Hadron H plate Maple leaf autobot bucking Crazy jet inner barrel And two elastic bands so I dont lose a mag when holstered.



TM Mk23 with custom holster Crazy Jet Barrel, H plate and TDC

Stephane Mignon

Stephane Mignon

MK23 with a reduction of 4 cm, 6.02 inner barrel, 50 degrees Maple Leaf rubber, i-Key

Stephane Mignon

Stephane Mignon

Red Dot, Modify Bucking, i-key, 6.02 inner barrel.

Przemyslaw Tabor

Przemyslaw Tabor

Tokyo Marui MK 23 Stealth style

Przemyslaw Tabor

Przemyslaw Tabor

Tokyo Marui MK 23 Stealth style

Przemyslaw Tabor

Przemyslaw Tabor

Tokyo Marui MK 23 Stealth style

Mark Leurs

Mark Leurs

My MK23 with custom designed Hexagon Silencer

Jussi Ratilainen

Jussi Ratilainen

My (un)holy trinity. 2xTM and a spare-parts ASG(fully working though). Both TM fully tuned, one going as a carbine.

Mitchell Turpin

Mitchell Turpin

Mines bigger than yours! (Don't worry it's soon to go in a carbine kit :D)

Darron W

Darron W

ASG mk23 with DTD rail and a mini grenade launcher for the close kill.

Chris "high tower" Smith

Chris "high tower" Smith

Asg MK²³ Crazyjet 150mm Maple leaf 50° Autobot Hadron H plate Hadron tdc Stubby Asg surppresor foam internals

Max Grigorjev

Max Grigorjev

Here is my TM MK23 with Hadron TDC cover, H plate, ML 150mm Crazy Jet barrel and 50° Autobot bucking. A couple of mods here and there like better suppressor baffles, white dots on the iron sights etc. This pistol is just insane, with all the upgrades and when using a .43+ it is shooting nearly as far as my VSR. Super quiet and a must have for every sniper, because having a backup super silent "sniper hand cannon" is very useful :)

Max Grigorjev

Max Grigorjev

Here is my TM MK23 with Hadron TDC cover, H plate, ML 150mm Crazy Jet barrel and 50° Autobot bucking. A couple of mods here and there like better suppressor baffles, white dots on the iron sights etc. This pistol is just insane, with all the upgrades and when using a .43+ it is shooting nearly as far as my VSR. Super quiet and a must have for every sniper, because having a backup super silent "sniper hand cannon" is very useful :)

Eddie C

Eddie C

TDC v2, Maple Leaf 138 CJ, Maple Leaf Decepticon bucking, PTFE, Hardon PM100 for the ‘Hitman’ look, gunskins Tiger stripe camo, Talon Rubber grip.

Eddie C

Eddie C

The twins with Gunskins camo.

Mike Walworth

Mike Walworth

Mike's beloved Tokyo Marui MK23 fitted with the Hadron H-plate and TDC cover, and a cut down Action Army 6.01mm inner barrel. The suppressor is an ACE1ARMS.

Olly J

Olly J

My three babies!

Dam Burden

Dam Burden

My sidearm Hadron suppressor 220mm vsr barrel Maple leaf autobot H plate Mini Red dot

Dan Burden

Dan Burden

This is my MK23 with Carbine Kit Hadron TDC Maple Leaf Autobot Crazy Jet 220mm @ 346 fps

Dan Burden

Dan Burden

This is my MK23 with Carbine Kit Hadron TDC Maple Leaf Autobot Crazy Jet 220mm @ 346 fps

Tom Hill

Tom Hill

A STTi Mk23 painted up!

Gary Fox

Gary Fox

This is my main sniping pistol used as my side arm when going for ultimate stealth. The entire pistol and suppressor has undergone many modifications to make it as quiet as possible.

Gary Fox

Gary Fox

This MK23 is for when I'm playing in an urban environment, with the usual full maple leaf upgrades and the lens upgrade from Jon Moss. Running the Hadron RD80 suppressor for compactness.

Gary Fox

Gary Fox

The carbine kit from Foundry Airsoft, nestled inside is a TM MK23 with full maple leaf upgrades and the modified trigger for suppressor making this extremely quiet and capable of 80m shots.

Brad Naus

Brad Naus

A full length MK23 carbine kit with fixed stock. Inside a 310mm Maple Leaf barrel with outer barrel extensions leading to the suppressor to retain weapon silence with the increased inner barrel length.

| Submitting your MK23 to the Gallery |

This gallery will give you the opportunity to showcase your own MK23 build, regardless of how unique it is or even if it's a stock, out-of-the-box replica.


What's important is that you can take a moment to show the rest of the community your pride and joy, and the tool that you trust to do the job!



You can select one or more images from the upload form on the left, however please ensure the file does not exceed 30MB. Once uploaded, your images will be reviewed within 24 hours to ensure viewer safety before they are added to the gallery for the community to see!


When adding an image, please be sure to include any description you would like to add and your name. You are required to provide an email should you need to be contacted regarding the image.


Thanks for your contribution!

(click thumbnail to view, and large image to expand)


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Our partner for truly effective 3D printed suppressors, accessories and the essential TDC cover.

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The man behind truly masterful usage of the MK23, and an ambassador for the platform!

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