Don't be a sheep, make the most of your LAM! (LAM Lens Upgrade)
So you made the wise decesion to purchase a Tokyo Marui MK23, bundled with a working suppressor, carry case and a sweet looking LAM unit....

Double Action, Double the effort? (Two-Stage Trigger Removal Guide)
This is a continuation of the installation instructions for the "Double Action Removal" Quality of Life upgrade guide (link). The...

Suppressor Impressive enough? (Suppressor Upgrade Guide)
The stock TM MK23 is already surprisingly quiet with the stock suppressor. With the support of after market suppressors that have become...

Magazines letting off Steam? (Magazine Leak Fix)
A guide on repairing leaking MK23 magazines and making them ready for higher powered gases

Snug as a nub. (Barrel Installation)
Installing an aftermarket inner barrel is pretty simple and mostly a harmless procedure, but like most operations, a closer look at the...

Cover up that exposed skin! (Painting Guide)
Without a doubt the default black paint of the MK23 helps define it's intimidating, blocky and brutish silhouette that it's famous for!...

Standard to stubby, silent and functional! (Clone Suppressor Modification)
So you've recently seen the light and bought your first MK23, but you opted for a clone instead of a Tokyo Marui and are now finding...

Premature ejection? (Magazine Retention)
As your pistol get's older, the wear and tear can start to show and occasionally you can find yourself suddenly without a magazine in the...